Accessing the site after registration:

Use the Login menu choice on the main menu to access your picks. After you login you will be presented with the current weeks picks for your plan. E.g. if you signed up for the Weekly NFL Picks they will be displayed.

How do I keep myself signed in so I don’t have to login each time I visit the site:

When you login after you type in your Username and Password, check the Remember me box, and you won’t have to login the next time you visit the site.

I came back to the site, and was logged in how do I view my picks:

Use the My Picks option on the main menu to view your current weekly picks.

How can I see how much time I have left on my plan subscription:

Under My Account on the main menu is an option to view your Current Access Plan. This will show you when the plan started/stops and you can renew your plan from this option.

Plan renewal – I signed up for a plan and would like to renew my subscription:

You may renew your plan by accessing the Current Access Plan menu option under My Account and using the Renew button to renew your account.